"We LOVE our jobs, we help people thrive!" -- Coach John & Coach Marshall

John E. Long, Ed.D., BCC, CMCS
Career & Life Coach
Dr. John Long is a nationally certified coach, university instructor, and career transition survivor (serving almost two decades in healthcare management roles). His private coaching practice has offices in Atlanta, GA, and Jacksonville, FL. John practices in alignment with the NCDA Code of Ethics, as well as Board Certified Coach Code of Ethics from the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc. John is based out of Jacksonville, FL. Clients requesting an in-person coaching session may schedule an appointment with John at the Jacksonville office. He also offers weekly remote (Phone or Zoom) sessions for clients.
John's graduate studies spanned coursework in career development, counseling, education, and psychology. His educational journey includes:
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree
Post-master's Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree, majoring in educational and counseling psychology, with a depth of study in positive psychology
Master of Science (M.S.) degree with a concentration in career coaching and guidance
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in liberal arts, with depths of study in psychology and communication
Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree with a major in health services management.
John's Professional Credentials:
Fellow - National Career Development Association (April '22). The NCDA "Fellow" Distinction, one of the highest honors by the NCDA, recognizes members who have contributed to--and advanced--the career development profession throughout their career.
BCC – Board Certified Coach (Certification #000016 :: Member of the Founding/Inaugural Circle): A national coaching credential earned through the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc., Greensboro, N.C.
CMCS – Certified Master of Career Services (Certification #CA-3000322121): A competency based credential earned through the National Career Development Association - Credentialing Commission; Broken Arrow, OK. To be awarded the CMCS, an applicant must have demonstrated, via formal assessment, a mastery of the CMCS Domains of Practice.
CCSP – Certified Career Services Provider (#CA-5814833529): A competency based credential through the National Career Development Association Credentialing Commission; Broken Arrow, OK.
GCDF – Global Career Development Facilitator (Certification #GCDF05418-US): A national career coaching credential earned through the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc., Greensboro, N.C.
Certified MBTI® (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) Practitioner through the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Inc.; Gainesville, FL.
Qualified Strong Interest Inventory® Practitioner through G/S Consultants; South Lake Tahoe, CA.
John is proudly affiliated with each of the following professional organizations:
National Career Development Association (NCDA) *
NCDA Credentialing Commission (Member 2017-2020 & Chair 2019/20)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2)
American Association of University Professors
National Organization for Student Success
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
* A Division of the American Counseling Association
John's Thoughts & Reflection
“I enjoyed a long and successful career in health care management, a career path that I had selected in college and cultivated for many years. A significant portion of my career responsibilities involved human resource management, with an emphasis on employee training and development. I now refer to this period of time as my previous life. About 15 years into my career, I started to experience a shift. The projects and responsibilities that I was once quite passionate about no longer gave me a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Was I experiencing job burnout or a mid-life crisis?
I began to question my motivation and credibility, as I struggled to come to terms with escalating self-doubt and negative internal dialogue. I was preoccupied with a recurring question – Why was I feeling this way? The answer to that question eluded me for quite some time, but the answer was quite simple. Nothing was truly wrong about what I was feeling and experiencing – I was simply undergoing a very natural change in my interests and career values. And it was time to determine what I needed to do – to recreate myself and prepare for a new phase of life.
In becoming a professional coach, I was able to use my background and experience as a foundation to successfully embrace and navigate the path of positive change. I’m very proud to offer my clients solid professional credentials, strong life and work experience, as well as a real world perspective on career and life transitions. I coach my clients using a strengths-based approach blended with elements of positive psychology, solution-focused change, and intuitive career design.” --John Long
John is married to his soulmate and resides in the Murray Hill neighborhood of Jacksonville, FL, after 16 years in the incredible city of Atlanta, GA. His interests involve human rights, animal rights, social justice, positive psychology, the minimalist movement, Judo, gardening, and pottery. He is originally from Upstate New York but escaped the snow many years ago to enjoy the climate and lifestyle of the southeast.
John's Professional Experience:
OWNER, CAREER & LIFE COACH / Two Roads Resources, Inc. (est. 2005); Atlanta, GA & Jacksonville, FL
Independent practitioner specializing in life coaching and career development. John works with a broad range of clients, many of whom seek assistance with career exploration, updated personal marketing materials, a targeted career search strategy, interview preparation, and career transition, as well as coaching for life's stressors, challenges and transitions. He has a specialty interest in the administration and interpretation assessment instruments (personality, interests, strengths, etc.). He also serves as a resource for organizations interested in employee assessments, talent development, and outplacement coaching. John coaches clients using a strengths-based approach blended with elements of positive psychology and solution-focused change.
PART-TIME ASSISTANT PROFESSOR / Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. KSU is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges and the second largest University in Georgia.
08/20 to Present: Dept. of Psychological Science. Teach online sections of PSYC 2000: The Science of Psychology and PSYC-3375: Psychology of Career Development. Utilize the Brightspace/D2L learning management system.
04/18 to 07/20: Dept. of Integrative & Leadership Studies. Taught online sections of INTS 3398: Integrative Studies Internship and INTS 4498: Senior Seminar (successful college to career transition), via D2L.
08/13 to 12/16: Dept. of First-Year & Transition Studies. Served as a part-time instructor (typically Fall semester) for in-seat sections of KSU1101: Traditional Seminar and KSU1111: Globally Focused Seminar). Conducted classes in a traditional classroom format combined with online content using D2L.
INSTRUCTOR / Fort Hays State University; Hays, KS. FHSU is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. 08/19 to 12/22: served as an instructor for online graduate-level sections of AEP-880: Cultural Diversity and ALTC-808: Practicum. From 08/15 to 12/18, taught online sections of TEEL-431: Educational Psychology. Utilized the Blackboard learning management system.
ADMINISTRATOR / Diabetes & Endocrinology Associates, P.C.; Decatur, GA (6 years). Responsible for all financial activities (billing, A/R, A/P, G/L, Payroll, budgets, financial statements), marketing, business planning, contracting, compliance, computer services, personnel and benefits management of a group practice comprised of two endocrinologists, two nurse practitioners, two dietitians and sixteen employees at two office locations.
PRACTICE MANAGER / CONTROLLER / Collier Neurologic Specialists, P.L.; Naples, FL (4 years). Directed all financial activities, marketing, business planning, computer services and personnel/employee benefits of a group practice comprised of four neurologists, three neurosurgeons, three psychologists, two nurse practitioners, thirty employees, a physical therapy department and two office locations. Managed an annual cash flow in excess of 6 million dollars.
PRACTICE MANAGER / University Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, P.C. (now Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists); Syracuse, NY (7 years). Responsible for overseeing the successful operation of all business, human resources/employee benefits and clinical activities of a group practice comprised of ten orthopedic surgeons, a physiatrist, a physician assistant, nurse practitioner, fifty employees, and three office locations. Managed an annual cash flow in excess of 8 million dollars.